![[Translate to English:] Johannes Näumann [Translate to English:] Johannes Näumann](/fileadmin/user_upload/Bilder_Webseite/Blog/office_club-mdm_johannes-naeumann.jpg)
Member of the month: Johannes Näumann
Meet Johannes - our member of the month in August! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Hi, my name is Johannes. I am originally…
![[Translate to English:] Elina Mihajlova [Translate to English:] Elina Mihajlova](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/c/csm_mitglied-des-monats-elina_4db2b5cb90.jpeg)
Member of the month: Elina Mihajlova
Meet Elina - our member of the month in July! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? My name is Elina. I am originally from Moscow,…
![[Translate to English:] Olaf of German Translation Unit [Translate to English:] Olaf of German Translation Unit](/fileadmin/_processed_/3/f/csm_mitglied-des-monats-gtu-office-club_8624f5a9c9.jpg)
Members of the month: German Translation Unit
Meet the team of German Translation Unit - our members of the month in June! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? We are a…
![[Translate to English:] Daniel Geib [Translate to English:] Daniel Geib](/fileadmin/_processed_/9/f/csm_mitglied-des-monats-office-club-daniel_65d495f86a.jpg)
Member of the month: Daniel Geib
Meet Daniel Geib - our member of the month in May! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Hi, my name is Daniel! Born and raised in…
![[Translate to English:] Ray Green [Translate to English:] Ray Green](/fileadmin/user_upload/Bilder_Webseite/Blog/mitglied-des-monats-office-club-ray.jpg)
Member of the month: Ray Green
Meet Ray Green - our member of the month in April! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? My name is Ray and I come from a small…
![[Translate to English:] Elio Schmutz [Translate to English:] Elio Schmutz](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/b/csm_mitglied-des-monats-office-club-coworking-elio_78ae46f43f.jpg)
Member of the month: Elio Schmutz
Meet Elio Schmutz - our member of the month in March! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Hi, my name is Elio and I’m from a…
![[Translate to English:] Maja Benke [Translate to English:] Maja Benke](/fileadmin/_processed_/a/d/csm_office-club-member-of-the-month-maja_4fb427f8b3.jpg)
Member of the month: Maja Benke
Meet Maja Benke - our member of the month in February! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Hey, I’m Maja, webdesigner and…
![[Translate to English:] Office Club Mitglieder des Monats Tim und Tilman von Fieldaware Mitglieder des Monats im Office Club Tim und Tilman](/fileadmin/_processed_/1/0/csm_members-of-the-month-tim-tilman_696a0a472d.jpg)
Members of the month: Tim und Tilman
Meet Tilman & Tim of FieldAware - our members of the month in January!Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?We’re Tilman & Tim! Two…
![[Translate to English:] Office Club Mitglied des Monats Stephan Hausheer [Translate to English:] Office Club Mitglied des Monats Stephan Hausheer](/fileadmin/_processed_/c/6/csm_office-club-member-of-the-month-stephan-hausheer_8176537a5e.jpg)
Member of the month: Stephan Hausheer
Meet Stephan Hausheer - our member of the month in December!Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?I’m Stephan Hausheer and I’m one of…
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