Meet Aleksandra - our member of the month in October!
Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Aleksandra (Ola). Originally from Wroclaw Poland, but since 2019 I am a resident of Berlin, a city that is my and my husband's true home and place to be.
What made you come to Berlin?
Actually my husband, his job and the willingness to change something in our life. We got that amazing opportunity and here we are.
What exactly do you do? What’s in the pipeline for the near future?
I work as an operation specialist and HR Manager at Authenteq, an amazing IT company. I used to work as a biophysicist at the university and in a biotech startup but everything changed so I also changed my way a bit and currently I feel great doing that kind of job. Organizing work for our company is something that I truly love - managing and dealing with problems that come up every single day is for me the way of feeling great in my professional life.
Personally, I am still very excited about biology, the human body and nutrition – it is also a field of my first studies ‚Food technology and human nutrition‘ and a subject of my private partially professional project - I write a book about eating disorders - and my plan is to publish it at the beginning of 2022.
Since when do you cowork at Office Club Berlin Prenzlauer Berg?
We moved here with the Authenteq team at the beginning of August.
What is the benefit of using a coworking space for you?
From my point of view I can definitely say that a coworking space is an amazing opportunity to work with people even if some days I work alone. We are renting an office for our team but it is great to go to a coworking space, drink coffee and see other people working with true passion. Working from home has also some pros but after months of lockdown I just needed to be around other people. It’s a fantastic feeling to step into a dynamic environment – that gives a lot of energy for everyday work.
Which questions / problems could you help your coworking neighbour with?
As I said I am now mostly responsible for managing my team work and passionate about human nutrition so probably that is the most valuable knowledge that I can help coworking neighbours with. But speaking about me as Authenteq team - we provide eKYC service, so it is something truly useful for businesses, especially during pandemic time.
Do you have favourite spots in Berlin? Something to recommend / consider especially for people coming here?
I am a great fan of the Prenzlauer Berg area. Living and working in this district is an opportunity to see lots of amazing places, especially great restaurants and small Spätkauf shops with people sitting in front like in proper pubs. Kastanienallee, next to Eberswalder Straße S-Bahn station is a street full of delicious small places with food from around the world, which you can try just by walking down that street.
Thanks a lot and all the best to you!
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Club lifePeople
Member of the month: Aleksandra Remplakowska-Jarlaczyk
Meet Aleksandra - our member of the month in October! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? My name is Aleksandra (Ola). Originally…
by Ben Roth |

[Translate to English:] Aleksandra Remplakowska Jarlaczyk