Meet Alex - our member of the month in December!
Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?
Ciao! My name is Alex and I’m 28 years old. I was born in Dubai, but grew up and spent the majority of my life (so far) in Scotland.
What made you come to Berlin?
I was looking to switch things up and had always been a bit fascinated by Berlin from prior visits, so, when a few things lined up, I committed. The history, mix of cultures and people make it a pretty cool place to live!
What exactly do you do? What's in the pipeline for the near future?
I work for a health economics consultancy – We primarily specialise in the development of disease simulation models, data collection and analytics, evidence synthesis and the development of pharmaceutical reimbursement submissions. My focus is on the development of disease models. For the future, I have a few ideas, but I don’t think they have quite reached the pipeline yet. Although, if there are any developers with a background in data modelling/analytics, feel free to reach out for a discussion!
Since when do you cowork at Office Club Berlin Prenzlauer Berg?
Since June this year, I think.
What is the benefit of using a coworking space for you?
I’m a remote worker and spent some time working from home, but I struggled with the lack of structure/routine and to split my work and personal life. Having a desk in a coworking space solves these issues and the atmosphere at Office Club is pretty great - professional, yet quite relaxed. I’ve also met some real interesting people, so that’s another plus!
Which questions / problems could you help your coworking neighbour with?
So I think my job area is quite niche, but, I’d be happy to try help with any questions relating to clinical trials and drug re-imbursement procedures (mostly for the UK). More generally, I’m also happy to discuss anything data modelling or spreadsheet-related – I spend about 85% of my time working with Excel and VBA.
Do you have favourite spots in Berlin? Something to recommend / consider especially for people coming here?
Hard to say! I live in Kreuzberg, so have a bunch of great places to eat nearby – Zola on Paul-Lincke-Ufer for Napoletana style pizza, Cocolo on Graefestraße for Ramen. Other favourites probably include, Zeit für Brot on Alte Schönhauser Str and Mogg on Auguststraße. Non-food related, the old WWII (I think) bunker in Volkspark Humboldthain – I am into climbing and it’s about the closest you can get to outdoor climbing in Berlin.
Thanks a lot and all the best to you!
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Club lifePeople
Member of the month: Alexander van Doornewaard
Meet Alex - our member of the month in December! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Ciao! My name is Alex and I’m 28 years old.…
by Ben Roth |
![[Translate to English:] Mitglied des Monat im Office Club: Alexander van Doornwaard Office Club Mitglied des Monats Alex van Doornwaard](/fileadmin/user_upload/Bilder_Webseite/Blog/office-club-mdm-alex-van-doornewaard.jpg)
[Translate to English:] Alex van Doornwaard