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Member of the month: Miguel Peromingo

Meet Miguel - our member of the month in May! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? I am Miguel of Spanish origin and I grew up in…
von Ben Roth |

Mitglied des Monats im Office Club: Miguel Peromingo

Miguel Peromingo

Meet Miguel - our member of the month in May!

Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?
I am Miguel of Spanish origin and I grew up in Kassel, a small city in the centre of Germany, known for the forests where the Brothers Grimm got inspired and for a modern art exhibition called documenta.

What made you come to Berlin?
I have been regularly travelling to Berlin since the wall opened, but moved here with my family four years ago to take up a job for the G20 presidency at that time. Shortly after that, I decided to go freelance.

What exactly do you do? What's in the pipeline for the near future?
I support governments and international organisations to design human-centered employment policies and I help individuals to reflect on their values around work.
In a second area I write reviews of movies, music and literature for cultural magazines and interview people who have something to say. One of the projects I am currently developing is a seminar to challenge one's own concepts of work time vs. life time.

Since when do you cowork at Office Club Berlin Prenzlauer Berg?
Since January 2018.

What is the benefit of using a coworking space for you?
It is quiet, close to my home in Mitte and I can have nice walks in the breaks. The Club's service team is great too.

Which questions / problems could you help your coworking neighbour with?
I am happy to script, run or advise on interviews in English, Spanish or German. I am an experienced trainer in case you are seeking one. Contact me to discuss concepts and seminars for work and life and human centered labour markets.

Do you have favourite spots in Berlin? Something to recommend / consider especially for people coming here?
Berlin feels to me like it includes multiple cities, since all the kiez are so different from each other and have so many big and small things to offer. Let me just randomly recommend the Heckmann-Höfe in Mitte for a quick chill-out (works also in the current situation), Antonello's cevicheria in Bergmannkiez (after a walk in Viktoriapark) and the Astor film lounge in Charlottenburg (for some nostalgic movie experience).


Thanks a lot and all the best to you!

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