Hi there Teka, member of the month in June!
Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from?
Hi, I am Teka Cochonneau from Florida. I am the head artist / product designer for a company called Jillibean Soup based in the States. I also freelance as a vector illustrator and very occasionally take on other clients to help with branding and identity.
What made you come to Berlin?
I am fortunate enough to be pretty mobile with the type of work that I do, so when my husband got a job offer here in Berlin we jumped at the chance.
What exactly do you do? What's in the pipeline for the near future?
With Jillibean Soup I work with the owner / creative director in the design process from concept to completion in the manufacturing of pattern papers, craft supplies, rubber and acrylic stamps and cute little bits of stationery that you see in small boutiques and larger scrapbooking / craft supply stores. Aside from this I also help train our small team of artists, and work with them on marketing materials, packaging, website updating... you name it.
Since when do you cowork at Office Club?
October of 2013. Time flies!
What is the benefit of using a coworking space for you?
The coworking concept really works well for me. The work that I do tends to consist mostly of me + coffee + a laptop, sometimes a little more or a little less of each. It is great to look up and see a mix of faces and hear the hum of a busy office even if we are all busy working towards different goals. Also, the flexibility of the contract and not having to commit to a lease is a huge benefit.
Which questions / problems could you help your coworking neighbour with?
Everyone I have spoken to has been extremely helpful and nice here from the employees to the other coworkers. As for me... hmmm, I am not sure, though I am more than happy to discuss the trials and tribulations of being a freelancer in a foreign country.
Do you have favourite spots in Berlin? Something to recommend / consider especially for people coming here?
It is hard not to fall for this city, there really is something for everyone. Green parks, great markets, entertainment, nice/interesting people and places, and lots of history. You can't go wrong!
Thanks Teka and all the best to you!
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Club lifePeople
Member of the month: Teka Cochonneau
Hi there Teka, member of the month in June! Introduction round: Who are you and where are you from? Hi, I am Teka Cochonneau from Florida. I am the…
von Ben Roth |

Teka Cochonneau